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Minimal Mochajs testing framework DSL

A minimal mochajs testing framework DSL, in less than 100 lines of JavaScript.

Published: Mar 2014

Often, implementing essence of an idea helps a lot with understanding it. This is an attempt at understanding mocha like DSL. Code at github

DSL details

Lets define a Mocha TDD like DSL, with 4 commands.

describe(desc, fn)
it(desc, fn)
// `describe` could be nested within `describe`, to arbitrary depth. ex:
describe('top level describe', function (){
// ...
describe('nested describe', function () {
// ...
describe('nested nested describe', function () {
// ...
// ...
// ...

Each describe could have setup, teardown, it and well describe calls.

All functions registered to setup should be run first. Then all the tests registered with it, and then all the nested describe have to be executed. After all that, function registed to teardown should be executed. Ex:

  • Setup
  • Execute all the test in the level
  • Execute all nested levels
  • Teardown

So, how do we solve it.

Lets first think just one level (ex: ignore nested describes). We would have to collect all the DSL commands at that level, and then execute them in a specific order. Note that we can't just execute the commands in the order we come accros. Example, a setup might come after tests (it). But all the setup in a level have to be run before the tests. The way I acheive this is to define all the DSL commands as functions which save the command, and its arguments, to be executed later. ex: setup(fn) would save a pair ["setup", fn]. ex:

// 'key' being the dsl command, and 'val' arguments
function spush(key, val){

We will come to the stack part later. Now, once all the commands in a describe level are collected, they are to be executed one by one. Execution of setup and teardown commands is simple. Just execute the function registered with them, in the context (there is a single context, on which all setup and teardown work). Test (functions registered with it) are executed by running the registered function, and showing success or failure based on output. For now, it just checks for the exception thrown by the function. Ex:

function reportTests(fn, desc) {
desc = test_title(stack, desc);
try {;
} catch(e) {
failure(desc, e.message);

Describe is the special case. Executing it, essentially means doing the above, at the nested level (ex: the function registered with the describe). Note that teardown should run at the end. So, some information about the current level has to be saved, till all the nested levels are done. This is the reason to have stack, to keep the commands. describe is kinda the main function of the DSL.

function exec_describe(title, tfn) {
// collect 'describe', 'setup', 'teardown' and 'it' for the
// current level;
exec_top(); // execute them

Well, thats mostly it. There are some small details. Like directly executing the describe the first time we come across it (the process has to start somewhere). Or printing the titles etc.

Full code below.

const success = desc => console.log(`${desc} : Pass`);
const failure = (desc, msg) => console.log(`:( ${desc} : Fail => ${msg}`);
const log = desc => console.log(desc);
const activity = {};
const stack = [];
const isEmptyStack = () => stack.length === 0;
const stackTop = () => stack[stack.length - 1];
const ctx = {};
const spush = (key, val) => stackTop()[key].push(val);
const indentedTitle = ctxt =>
`${ => ' ').join('')}${ctxt}`;
const newTop = title =>
({ title, tests: [], setup: [], teardown: [], testSuites: [] });
const execTop = () => 'setup tests testSuites teardown'.split(' ')
.forEach(key => stackTop()[key].forEach(activity[key]));
const execTestSuite = (title, testSuiteFn) => {
stack.push(newTop(title));; // collect testSuites, setup, teardown and it.
execTop(); // execute them
const reportTests = (fn, title) => {
const desc = indentedTitle(title);
try {;
} catch (e) {
failure(desc, e.message);
activity.setup = fn =>;
activity.teardown = fn =>;
activity.testSuites = ([title, testFn]) =>
execTestSuite(title, testFn);
activity.tests = ([title, testFn]) =>
reportTests(testFn, title);
export const test = (desc, fn) => spush('tests', [desc, fn]);
export const testSuite = (title, testfn) => {
if (isEmptyStack()) {
execTestSuite(title, testfn);
spush('testSuites', [title, testfn]);
export const setup = spush.bind(null, 'setup');
export const teardown = spush.bind(null, 'teardown');

Its nice to find out that an expressive DSL could be implemented (to atleast experiment) in less than 100 lines of code.
